
Long-Lived Feline Icon Needs Your Help: A Tale of Resilience and Medical Expenses


Meet Ah-Lah, the longest-living feline resident at the AIDS shelter and the current champion of medical expenses. Despite his advanced age, Ah-Lah remains a beacon of hope and resilience, inspiring all who meet him.

In 2013, Ah-Lah suffered a severe head injury in a car accident, resulting in the loss of his left eye and abnormal nasal structure. This led to chronic respiratory issues, causing him to produce excessive mucus and making his breathing sound loud enough to be heard from outside his room.

Despite these challenges, Ah-Lah continues to breathe with determination, exuding a super optimistic and brave spirit. He has even developed the ability to soothe and calm those around him with his gentle purrs.

Ah-Lah’s love for life is contagious, and he thoroughly enjoys interacting with volunteers and other cats. He is affectionately known as the “super warm guy.”

As Ah-Lah has grown older, he has become a regular visitor to the hospital, accumulating medical expenses that are higher than those of other cats. In recent years, he has developed issues with his digestive system and has required frequent visits to the hospital for treatment.

To help cover Ah-Lah’s medical expenses, which have accumulated over nearly two years, we are seeking your support. You can contribute to his care by visiting the following links:

* 2023-2024 treatment record (original website, single unit 500 yuan, still needs 299 friends to support)
* Medical expenses from October 2022 to May 2023 (still needs 29,700 yuan, new website allows for self-set donation amounts of 50, 100 yuan, etc.)
* Medical expenses from August 25, 2022, to September 22, 2023 (still needs 13,300 yuan, new website allows for self-set donation amounts of 50, 100 yuan, etc.)

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