
RUN FOR HEARTS Around 1 in 100 babies in the UK are born with congenital heart

RUN FOR HEARTS ❤️ Around 1 in 100 babies in the UK are born with congenital heart disease. Please ‘Run for Hearts’ in February to raise vital funds to support the treatment and care of children with heart conditions.

Whether you are a park runner, belong to a running club or have never even run before, it’s a great way of getting out and keeping fit in aid of a great cause. You can run ANY distance, at ANY time, ANYWHERE! Tag your friends and ask them to join you.

You can also link your Fitbit and Strava to your fundraising page to share your step count with your supporters so everyone can see how you’re making a difference for young cardiac patients under the care of Royal Brompton Hospital.

Set up your donation page via the link in our bio and pledge to raise a minimum of £100 and we will send you a vest or t-shirt to wear whilst you run. Please email to get your kit. ❤️💙

#RunForHearts #RunForUs #HeartDisease #Heart #Hearts #CHD #CongenitalHeartDisease #Run #RunRunRun #runhappy #running #runlife #tagyourfriends #TeamBrompton #HeartMonth #RoyalBromptonHospital #TheBromptonFountain #cardiac #heartsurgery #cardiology #fundraising #charity #showyoursupport #tellyourfriends #makingadifference #letsdothis #strava #fitbit #children #childrenscharity

CIC Charity,

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