When I entered the world of cosplay it was because of the love of a movie and a character. But also because I was really excited to see children get excited when I wore a superhero costume.
A year ago I was helping to raise donations for an association that helps women who have suffered domestic violence and I can proudly say that what we raised helped a lot of people. But sadly there are many more who need help.
That’s where Guardians of Hope comes from. What better way to bring together a group of heroes and villains with the same goal: to bring love and hope to those who need it.
So if you are a hero, villain, antihero, photographer or any fantastic creature who wants to be part of this new mission, feel free to join us because together, we can fight to make a difference!
With love,
#cosplay #charity #donation #superhero #villian #antihero #covention #comiccharacter #comic
CIC Charity,charityinchina.cn