From 2020 to 2024, an average of 161 workers were injured while riding in a truck every year, down about a quarter from 215 to 2019.

Dr. Xu Lianzhuo, Senior Minister of Government of the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Environment, released relevant data on Facebook on the afternoon of Wednesday (February 26).

She said that over the past 10 years, an average of one person died while riding a trulli bus every year, and said the data was lower than other traffic patterns.
Overall data shows that deaths involving passengers from trully (including passengers on the front) have decreased in recent years, from about six per year from 2013 to 2017 to about three per year from 2018 to 2022.

Xu Lianchun also answered questions about the safety of manned trucks in Loli Wednesday morning. She stressed that ensuring the safety of every road user is the top priority of the Ministry of Transport. The authorities work with different agencies to ensure adequate measures to reduce risks and ensure safety when truces are carried.

She noted that the authorities took a multi-pronged approach to this problem, including allowing workers to live near workplaces and reducing the need to carry workers; encouraging employers to choose other means of transportation such as buses; and ensuring that all employers meet the safe use of trucks to carry workers standard.

Further reading

A 40-year-old man died in a fatal car accident in Tuasnan

A 40-year-old man died in a fatal car accident in Tuasnan

Xu Lianzhuo said that understanding the suggestion of banning trucks to carry workers was good intentions, but is neither realistic nor meaningful to issue the ban without an alternative.

She explained that this will bring challenges to enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and some small and medium-sized enterprises may even go bankrupt, causing unemployment of personnel and delaying the progress of projects such as housing and subways.

She also said that banning truce crews will also exacerbate the shortage of bus drivers. “I hope you can understand that these are not only financial restrictions, but also practical challenges, and it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to implement.”

In recent years, the authorities have introduced a series of measures to strengthen the safety of workers carrying truffles, including the installation of speed limiters and rain tarpaulins for passenger truffles; workers who also serve as truffles drivers must rest after working for six hours or more hours It will take at least half an hour to carry a man; each passenger truck must designate a “car friend” to ensure that the driver is suitable for driving and remains alert, etc.