Singapore police forces and Royal Thai police jointly enforce the law and arrested a 39-year-old man involved in a series of international data breaches on Wednesday (February 26).

Our police issued a statement on Thursday (27th) saying that the investigation began in 2020, after 11 Singapore victims reported the case one after another, saying they were blackmailed by netizens called “ALTDOS”, “DESORDEN”, ​​”GHOSTR” or “0mid16B”. These netizens are actually the same person, and he is accused of being involved in at least 75 cases around the world, using vulnerabilities in the victim's network to steal data. Among them, some victims failed to pay the ransomware, and the suspect posted the data online for sale.

The investigators from the Cyber ​​Crime Command Center affiliated to the Criminal Investigation Bureau cooperated with the Central Investigation Bureau of Thailand to share and analyze clues related to the suspect, and finally locked in the identity of the man and arrested him. The investigation shows that the man has also been involved in multiple data breaches in Thailand.

The man was arrested by Thai police on Wednesday for suspected violations of Thai criminal code and computer-related crimes. Thai police also seized the man's assets worth more than 10 million baht (about S$396,000), including laptops, mobile phones, luxury cars and brand-name bags.

An investigation is underway.

Further reading

Fraud gangs upgrade their phishing control of social media business accounts extortion of ransom

Fraud gangs upgrade their phishing control of social media business accounts extortion of ransom

26 people involved in selling Singpass information to criminal gangs were investigated by police

26 people involved in selling Singpass information to criminal gangs were investigated by police