The Singapore Armed Forces National Defense Digital Defense and Intelligence Forces cooperated with the British Army to carry out multilateral cyber defense exercises to learn from each other to improve their ability to deal with cyber attacks.

The Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Saturday (March 1) saying that the Digital and Intelligence Service participated in the 4th “Defence Cyber ​​Marvel” multilateral cyber defense exercise hosted by the British Army Cyber ​​Association.

This year's exercise was held in Seoul, South Korea from February 24 to 28, with more than 1,000 people from 27 countries participating.

The Cyber ​​Defense Team under the National Defense Digital Defense and Intelligence Force cooperates with the British Army to form a joint Cyber ​​Defense Team and participate in the exercises remotely in Singapore.

This multilateral cyber defense exercise consists of a complex series of situational challenges designed to test the ability of participating teams to identify and respond to cyber attacks in simulated combat environments.

Further reading

Yan Jinyong: Challenging the times requires strengthening comprehensive defense

Yan Jinyong: Challenging the times requires strengthening comprehensive defense

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Singapore’s defense digital defense and intelligence forces work with British Army soldiers to identify and mitigate simulated cyberattacks. (Provided by the Ministry of National Defense)

Singapore’s defense digital defense and intelligence forces work with British Army soldiers to identify and mitigate simulated cyberattacks. (Provided by the Ministry of National Defense)

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Mo Taksu, commander of the Singapore Cyber ​​Defense Organization, said that my country's cyber defense personnel demonstrated high levels of professional qualities and abilities throughout the exercise. “This exercise also provides us with valuable opportunities to learn from our best practices and learn from our UK peers and gain insights that will help us further.”

Captain Andy Humphrys, head of the British Armed Forces team, said: “I was deeply impressed by the high level of technical ability, expertise and literacy in the exercises. They cooperated with the British Ministry of Defense team very well.”

Since 2024, the National Defense Digital Defense and Intelligence Forces have begun to participate in the “Defense Cyber ​​Miracle” series of exercises, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in modern military operations.

The statement pointed out that this joint exercise also demonstrates the long-term friendly and close defense cooperation relationship between Singapore and the United Kingdom.