The statements and measures of the new US administration, including the recent quarrels in the Oval Office of the White House dramatically highlighted the long-term position of the United States on the Russian-Ukrainian war, and there has been a change.

Foreign Minister Dr. Wiven used this as an example when debating the Foreign Ministry’s expenditure budget on Monday (March 3), using this as an example: “This is not just a sudden and brief change in the direction of the diplomatic wind, but a change in the global strategic environment. A new world order is gradually forming in an environment of extreme uncertainty, instability and turbulence.”

He said that great powers have become narrower in their consideration of their own interests, more utilitarian and sometimes coercive. The lack of strategic mutual trust among major powers, and the anxiety about competition among each other deepens. These major changes have led to more intense confrontation, more economic closures, and breakages in global supply chains.

However, while reminding the Chinese people to remain vigilant, pragmatic and cautious about the dangerous diplomatic environment, Weiwen also emphasized that “maintaining caution does not mean facing it pessimistically.”

He shows that our country is still in a strong position. “Our core strength is deeply embedded in three key pillars – our country's economic strength and reserves, independent defense capabilities, and domestic solidarity.”

Further reading

[Parliament]Meng Liqi: Our country urges Israel and Kazakhstan to quickly reach an agreement on the second-order ceasefire negotiations

[Parliament]Meng Liqi: Our country urges Israel and Kazakhstan to quickly reach an agreement on the second-order ceasefire negotiations

[Parliament]Weiwen: Our country can continue to be a reliable and stable partner of a major country

[Parliament]Weiwen: Our country can continue to be a reliable and stable partner of a major country

Weiwen calls on the Chinese people to continue to be united regardless of race, language or religion.

He quoted a statement from American political culture – “politics stops at the water's edge”, which means that there may be differences between the internal parties, but must be consistent with each other.

“Our diplomacy works because we have been working hard to build consensus and maintain unity on core long-term interests and diplomatic priorities,” he said.