From 2021 to 2023, an average of about 2,680 non-resident employees were laid off every year, mostly from the electronics manufacturing, information and communications, and wholesale trade industries.

Dr. Chen Shilong, Minister of Human Resources and Second Minister of Trade and Industry, responded to a question from the official committee member Xu Jinli in writing on Friday (March 7) that data from the Ministry of Human Resources showed that about 90% of employees who were eligible, that is, those who served in the company for at least two years were compensated for layoffs.

Chen Shilong emphasized that according to the “Guiding Principles for the Management of Redundant Employees in Labor and Management and Responsible Layouts”, layoffs should be the last resort. Employers should conduct layoffs with a responsible and compassionate attitude, remain objective in the selection process, and respect all employees regardless of their background. For employers who do not follow the guidelines, the Alliance for Fair and Good Employment (TAFEP) will step in.

Further reading

Ministry of Human Resources: Those who hold work permits can work in my country until they are 63 years old from July 1st

Ministry of Human Resources: Those who hold work permits can work in my country until they are 63 years old from July 1st

The growth of total employment in my country slowed down last year and the number of layoffs decreased

The growth of total employment in my country slowed down last year and the number of layoffs decreased