Insulating paint can reduce heat absorption and reduce ambient temperature. Therefore, in addition to the island-wide HDB exterior walls, the government will also discuss the use of insulating paint in other buildings, including schools and hawker centers.
The Housing Development Bureau launched a pilot program in Tampines earlier, confirming that painting the exterior walls of HDBs with thermal insulation paint can cool the surrounding environment by up to 2 degrees Celsius.
Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment Fu Haiyan, while debating the Ministry of Sustainable Expenditure Budget on Tuesday (March 4), revealed that the government is studying whether it is effective to use thermal insulation paint in other buildings such as schools and hawker centers.
Climate warming affects global weather, and local weather is expected to become hotter and hotter in the future. “We will find ways to improve the public's comfort in hot environments, such as multiple plants, increasing air circulation and reducing heat dissipation. However, in addition to starting from the infrastructure, individuals must also cooperate with actions,” she said.
Formulate a long-term “National Climate Adaptation Plan”
The Ministry of Sustainability and the National Environment Agency launched the Heat Stress Advisory in 2023, teaching the public how to take appropriate protective measures to avoid heat stroke based on different levels.
This set of anti-heat instructions are divided into three levels: low, medium and high, based on the heat and heat pressure index (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature). The summer heat pressure index is a comprehensive temperature calculated based on ambient temperature, humidity and wind speed and solar radiation.
Fu Haiyan said that the authorities will expand the deployment and expand the location where the induction heat pressure index sensor is placed from the current stadium to residential areas to improve information accuracy and allow the authorities to issue more accurate heat prevention instructions.
In addition, the impact of climate change is profound and wide, which will bring more extreme weather and lead to sea level rise. To this end, our country plans to formulate a long-term “national adaptation plan” to bring together the government's existing response measures and set the direction for fighting climate change.
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